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Best Programming Languages To Learn In 2024

Posted By : Admin

Date : February 28, 2024

Best Programming Languages To Learn In 2024

Professional programmers play a crucial role in ensuring the seamless operation of products in the software and IT industries. Central to their toolkit is the programming language, which serves as the primary means to write code and bring ideas to life. Yet, with many programming languages available, selecting the optimal one can be challenging for seasoned developers and newcomers.

The choice of a programming language necessitates careful consideration of various factors, including the learning curve, stability, job prospects in the market, salary expectations, community support, and more. Each language possesses unique strengths and applications, making it essential to weigh these factors against individual preferences and career aspirations before deciding.

Several factors should influence your decision-making process. Considerations such as your tolerance for difficulty, existing programming knowledge, and career goals all play a role in determining the best language for you to learn. Whether you aim to build mobile applications, gain industry certifications, or acquire new skills, selecting the correct programming language is key.

Let's examine some of the employer’s most in-demand programming languages in 2024, their intricacies, applications, and complexity levels. By understanding the nuances of each language, you can make an informed decision about which one aligns best with your aspirations and skillset.

What is a Programming Language?

A programming language is a formal system used for instructing a computer. It consists of rules, symbols, and syntax, allowing programmers to write instructions or code to perform specific tasks or solve problems. Programming languages serve as a bridge between human understanding and machine execution.

Programmers use programming languages to communicate with computers and create software applications, scripts, or programs. These languages provide a way to express algorithms and logic in a format that a computer can understand and execute. Each programming language has its own set of rules, keywords, and syntax that define how instructions are written.

There are various programming languages, each designed for different purposes and levels of abstraction. Examples of popular programming languages include Python, Java, C++, JavaScript, Ruby, and many more. Each language has strengths and weaknesses, making it suitable for specific applications or tasks. Programmers choose the language that best fits their requirements and the nature of the project they are working on.

What are the different types of programming languages?

Procedural Programming Languages

Procedural programming languages use procedures or functions to organize code into modular and reusable components. This programming paradigm, which is exemplified by languages such as C, Pascal, and FORTRAN, centers on the systematic execution of a program achieved by segmenting tasks into discrete procedures.

In the procedural programming approach, a program is organized into functions or procedures, each functioning as a self-contained unit assigned to a specific task. These encapsulated procedures can be called from different program sections, promoting flexibility and enabling efficient code reuse. The primary focus lies in the sequential execution of instructions, manipulating data stored in variables to achieve the desired outcomes.

Popular in fields such as engineering, gaming, and finance, procedural programming languages offer a robust foundation for software development. Despite their perceived lack of flexibility compared to other paradigms, such as object-oriented programming, they remain essential tools in the programmer's toolkit. They are often taught in prestigious computer science courses.

Functional Programming Languages

Diverging from procedural languages, functional programming languages prioritize a heightened level of flexibility through the composition of functions. Notable examples such as Haskell, Clojure, Lisp, and Scala embody this paradigm, which strongly emphasizes the construction of programs through the manipulation of functions.

Functional programming is the concept of modeling computations and data transformations exclusively through functions. These functions operate solely based on their input arguments, promoting clear and reliable program logic. A distinctive feature is the avoidance of mutable states, a departure from procedural languages, resulting in more predictable programs and less susceptible to unexpected behaviors.

While it is more mainstream than procedural languages, functional programming has gained traction, especially in educational settings. Functions in these languages can be assigned to variables, passed as arguments, and returned as results, allowing for elegant and concise code structures.

One notable advantage of functional programming lies in its efficiency in parallel programming. Without the mutable state, functions can be executed in parallel without concern for conflicts or race conditions.

Support for nested functions and independent units operating coherently contributes to the efficiency and maintainability of functional codebases.

Object-oriented Programming Languages

Object-oriented programming (OOP) languages have revolutionized software development by introducing the concept of objects, which encapsulate data and behavior within a program. These objects serve as the building blocks for constructing complex systems with interconnected components, offering a structured approach to software design.

Encapsulation is central to the principles of OOP, a mechanism that hides the internal details of objects from external entities. By encapsulating data and methods within objects, developers can create modular and maintainable systems, focusing on the interaction between objects rather than their internal implementation.

Inheritance is another key feature of OOP languages, allowing for the creation of class hierarchies where subclasses inherit attributes and methods from their parent classes. This promotes code reuse and customization, enabling developers to build upon existing code efficiently while maintaining high flexibility.

Popular OOP languages such as Java, Python, C++, and Ruby exemplify the widespread adoption of this paradigm in modern software development. Their robust features and versatility make them well-suited for designing scalable and modular software systems that can adapt to evolving requirements.

Scripting Languages

Scripting languages, known for their interpreted nature, straightforward syntax, and dynamic typing, are pivotal in facilitating communication with other programming languages and simplifying the development process. They are categorized into server-side and client-side scripting languages and are versatile tools for various tasks.

JavaScript: As one of the most prevalent client-side scripting languages, JavaScript is instrumental in creating dynamic and interactive web pages. Its easy integration with HTML and widespread browser support make it an essential component for web development. JavaScript's versatility extends to server-side development with the advent of technologies like Node.js.

Ruby: Renowned for its elegant syntax and developer-friendly features, Ruby is a dynamic, object-oriented scripting language. Often used in web development frameworks like Ruby on Rails, it promotes a clean and concise coding style, enhancing developer productivity.

PowerShell: Designed for task automation and configuration management, PowerShell is a scripting language predominantly used in Windows environments. Its scripting capabilities allow administrators to automate repetitive tasks and manage system configurations efficiently. These scripting languages, with their distinct strengths and applications, cater to diverse needs in the software development. Their interpreted nature, simplicity, and dynamic features make them valuable assets for developers and system administrators.

Logic Programming Languages

Logic programming, rooted in formal logic, defines a programming paradigm where a program is constructed based on a set of logical statements or rules that establish relationships among objects. This unique approach enables systems to derive new information through logical inference, making it a valuable paradigm in artificial intelligence and expert systems.

Logic programming shines in tasks requiring reasoning and conjecture, providing a platform for developing programs characterized by their concise and expressive nature. This inherent clarity makes logical programming particularly suitable for applications where the understanding and maintenance of the code are crucial.

The logic programming paradigm presents a secure and flexible method for problem-solving in computer programming, making it applicable to various problems. Its effectiveness in specific applications underscores its significance in the programmer's toolkit.

Prolog is one of the most popular logical programming languages, embodying the paradigm by utilizing facts and rules to describe problems and facilitate reasoning. Its structured approach to problem-solving has positioned Prolog as a valuable tool in fields where logical inference is a critical component, further highlighting the relevance and applicability of logic programming.

Imperative Programming

It is a fundamental concept that the programmer issues explicit instructions for the computer to execute, thereby managing the program's state and information structure. In contrast to paradigms centered on mathematical functions, imperative programming emphasizes detailing the step-by-step procedures a computer should follow to solve a given problem. Prominent languages in this paradigm encompass C, C++, Java, and Python.

Considered the predominant paradigm in software development, imperative programming excels in system and low-level programming tasks, particularly scenarios where direct control over hardware resources is crucial. Its strength lies in providing clear and sequential instructions for the computer to execute, offering a pragmatic and versatile approach to problem-solving. This approach is particularly advantageous in domains requiring fine-grained control over the computational environment, where the explicit management of the program state is essential.

Other Ways to Classify Programming Languages

What Programming Language Should You Learn?

Staying relevant in the dynamic tech world requires a commitment to ongoing learning and adaptability. While the continuous influx of new programming languages can be overwhelming, specific considerations can guide individuals in making informed decisions about which languages to learn.

  1. Define Your Goals: Before looking into learning a programming language, clarifying your career goals is crucial. Understand the type of work you are passionate about and the industry you wish to enter.
  2. Conduct Market Research: Thoroughly research the tech market and narrow your focus. Identify the specific field or industry you want to work in, as different sectors may demand different skill sets.
  3. Understand Industry Demand:Analyze your chosen industry's demand for specific programming languages. Consider the job portfolios of professionals in that field and align your learning path with the languages in demand.
  4. Start with Foundations: If you are a beginner, consider starting with more accessible programming languages to build a solid foundation. Languages like Python and Ruby are known for their simplicity and readability, making them excellent for beginners.
  5. Access Learning Resources: Look for easily accessible learning materials, tutorials, and online courses that allow for a quick grasp of the language. Joining online communities and forums can provide additional support and insights.
  6. Network and Engage: Connect with professionals at the forefront of the field. Networking can offer valuable insights, mentorship, and potential opportunities. Engaging with the community allows you to stay informed about industry trends.
  7. Continuous Learning: Acknowledge that the tech market is dynamic and learning is ongoing. Stay adaptable and be ready to reinvent yourself by keeping up with emerging technologies and evolving industry demands.

By combining a clear understanding of personal goals, industry demands, and a commitment to continuous learning, individuals can effectively navigate the dynamic of programming languages and technology trends.

The Best Programming Languages to Learn in 2024

When deciding which coding and programming languages to learn, JavaScript and Python are formidable, particularly in the startup industry. JavaScript is pivotal for web development, serving both front-end and back-end needs through frameworks like NodeJS. Meanwhile, Python's readability and versatility make it a go-to language, especially for startups employing back-end frameworks such as Django and Flask. Both languages are in high demand and ideal for beginners due to their user-friendly syntax. JavaScript and Python provide a solid foundation for various career paths, from web development to data science, making them valuable assets in the dynamic world of coding and programming. Ultimately, the choice between JavaScript and Python depends on individual goals and the specific demands of the industry or startup venture one aims to enter.

Let's examine which programming languages are expected to be the most popular and in high demand in 2024.

1. Python

Python is a leading programming language in today's technology, valued for its widespread popularity and beginner-friendly features. Recognized for its readability, Python offers an accessible entry point for newcomers to programming. As a free, open-source language, it boasts expansive support modules and a robust community-driven development ecosystem. Python's strengths lie in its seamless integration with web services, user-friendly data structures, and the ability to create GUI-based desktop applications.

Key Attributes of Python:

  1. User-Friendly Syntax: Python's syntax is known for its user-friendly nature, making it easy for developers to read and write code. This simplicity enhances productivity, particularly for those just starting in programming.
  2. Frameworks for Web Development: Python boasts popular frameworks like Django, Flask, and Pyramid, which developers favor for building robust web applications. These frameworks streamline development processes and provide a solid foundation for creating scalable and efficient web solutions.
  3. Open Source and Object-Oriented: Python promotes collaboration and community-driven development as an open-source language. Its object-oriented paradigm allows for structured and modular code, facilitating better software design practices.
  4. Integration Capabilities: Python can be seamlessly integrated with languages like C and C++, allowing developers to leverage existing codebases and enhance functionality. This interoperability is advantageous in various development scenarios.
  5. Cross-Browser Support: Python offers cross-browser support, ensuring that applications developed using Python can run seamlessly across different web browsers, enhancing the user experience.
  6. Versatile Career Opportunities: Python's versatility opens up career paths in diverse fields, including scripting, web development, machine learning, deep learning, data science, artificial intelligence, robotics, and big data. Its adaptability to various domains makes it a go-to language for professionals seeking various opportunities.
  7. Extensive GitHub Presence: With over a million repositories on GitHub, Python has a vibrant and active developer community. This extensive codebase contributes to the language's robust ecosystem and continuous improvement.
  8. Industry Giants Leveraging Python: Python has gained widespread adoption among major tech companies, including Google, Facebook, Instagram, Spotify, Paytm, Netflix, and Quora. Its usage in these prominent organizations attests to its reliability and efficiency in real-world applications.

Python's simplicity, versatility, and strong industry presence make it an excellent language choice for beginners and seasoned developers, offering a gateway to diverse, rewarding career opportunities.

Aspect Details
Level Beginner - Python provides a smooth entry into productivity with its user-friendly syntax and simplicity.
Skills Needed Problem-solving, abstract thinking
Platform Web, Desktop
Popularity Among Programmers Continuously increasing
Popularity Continuously increasing in technical, educational, and business uses
Degree of Use Widely used coding skills; popular in both technical education and business use
Annual Salary Projection $109,092


  • Clear and easy-to-read syntax makes it suitable for beginners and experienced developers.
  • An extensive standard library and a vast ecosystem of third-party libraries and frameworks for various purposes exist.
  • High versatility, used in web development, data science, machine learning, automation, scripting, etc.
  • Strong community support and active development, ensuring continuous improvement and updates.


  • Slower execution speed compared to lower-level languages like C and C++.
  • Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) can limit multithreading performance in CPU-bound tasks.
  • It is less suitable for high-performance computing or system-level programming.

2. Javascript

JavaScript, a high-level programming language, is a fundamental technology on the World Wide Web, serving as a core component for web development. Remarkably, 97.8 percent of all websites utilize JavaScript as a client-side programming language. Initially conceived exclusively for web browsers, JavaScript's role has evolved, extending beyond client-side applications to server-side website deployments and non-browser-based applications.

The inception of JavaScript dates back to 1995 when it was introduced under the name LiveScript. Initially designed for web browsers, the language underwent a transformative journey, expanding its scope to become a versatile tool for various applications. Despite its initial association with Java, a prevalent language during that era, JavaScript asserted its independence over time. It is common for JavaScript to be mistakenly associated with Java. While the two languages share some similarities, they are distinct entities, each serving unique purposes in programming.

JavaScript's pervasive use across the web underscores its significance, providing dynamic and interactive website functionalities. Its evolution from a browser-centric language to a multi-faceted tool for server-side development highlights its adaptability and enduring relevance in programming languages.

Aspect Details
Level Beginner to Intermediate
Skills Needed HTML and CSS to define the content and layout of web pages
Platform Cross-platform (desktop, mobile, web)
Popularity Among Programmers The most popular programming language in the world
Degree of Use Widely used and highly applicable
Annual Salary Projection $112,152


  • Widely used for web development, both on the client-side client and server-side server side (Node.js).
  • Dynamic typing and flexible syntax allow for rapid prototyping and development.
  • Large ecosystem of frameworks and libraries such as React, Angular, and Vue.js for building interactive user interfaces.
  • The asynchronous programming model supports non-blocking I/O operations, enhancing performance in web applications.


  • Inconsistent behaviour across different browsers can lead to compatibility issues.
  • Dynamic typing can result in runtime errors that might be difficult to debug.
  • Lack of built-in standard library compared to languages like Python.

3. Java

Java, an iconic and widely recognized programming language, has maintained its prominence over the years, making it a key player in the tech industry. Its enduring popularity can be attributed to the substantial number of large organizations that continue to rely on its capabilities. Java finds extensive use in Android app development and the construction of enterprise-scale web applications. Google's creation of the Android Studio, an excellent Java-based development framework, further solidifies Java's significance in mobile development.

Despite experiencing a slight dip in popularity at one point, Java has witnessed a resurgence, notably due to the remarkable success of the Spring Boot framework. The recent refinements in the framework have garnered enormous popularity, ensuring Java's continued relevance and potential for growth in the future.

Exploring Spring Boot is commendable for those eager to delve into Java. Here are the key highlights of Java:

  • It is an open-source, object-oriented language.
  • Cross-platform compatibility.
  • Noteworthy stability, strong memory management, and automatic garbage collection.
  • High performance coupled with top-notch security.
  • Platform independence, thanks to the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) feature.
  • GitHub boasts over 1 million repositories.

Major companies leveraging Java include HCL, Adobe, Intuit, Qualcomm, Flipkart, and Amazon. The language's robust features and extensive adoption across various domains make it a perennial favorite for developers and organizations.

Aspect Details
Level Intermediate
Skills Needed Problem-solving, knowledge of the object-oriented structure
Platform Web, Mobile, and Desktop
Popularity Among Programmers One of the world’s most popular; high demand
Degree of Use Widely used and highly applicable
Annual Salary Projection $109,22


  • Platform independence (write once, run anywhere) is due to its "write once, run anywhere" philosophy.
  • Strongly typed language with static typing, offering better error detection and reliability.
  • Mature ecosystem with robust frameworks like Spring for enterprise-level development.
  • The garbage collection mechanism helps manage memory automatically, reducing the risk of memory leaks.


  • Verbosity of syntax compared to dynamically typed languages like Python and JavaScript.
  • Slower startup time compared to languages like C and C++.
  • It requires the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) to run, which can introduce overhead.

4. Golang

Go, initially developed by Google in 2007, has emerged as a powerhouse programming language, especially favored for building APIs and web applications. Its rapid growth in popularity can be attributed to its simplicity, coupled with robust capabilities in handling multicore processors, networked systems, and extensive codebases.

Commonly referred to as Golang, this language was specifically designed to cater to the needs of developers engaged in large-scale projects. Its prominence has been fueled by its straightforward and contemporary structure, making it accessible to programmers while maintaining powerful functionality. Noteworthy tech giants, including Google, Uber, Twitch, and Dropbox, have embraced Go as their language of choice for software development.

The appeal of Go extends beyond traditional software development; it has also captured the interest of data scientists. This growing popularity in data science circles can be attributed to Go's agility and exceptional performance. As a result, Go is finding its way into diverse industries, establishing itself as a versatile language that meets the demands of large-scale projects and data-intensive applications.

Key points to note about Golang include:

  1. Efficient Multithreading Support: Go stands out with its excellent support for multithreading, making it well-suited for concurrent programming. This capability allows developers to handle parallel tasks efficiently, enhancing the performance of applications running on multicore processors.
  2. Swift and Accessible Syntax: Featuring a fast and easy-to-learn syntax, Go minimizes the learning curve for developers. Its simplicity increases productivity and facilitates quick code comprehension, making it an attractive choice for beginners and seasoned programmers.
  3. Optimal for Single-Page Applications (SPAs): Go is considered ideal for constructing Single-Page Applications (SPAs), providing a streamlined approach to web development. Its capabilities align well with the demands of modern, responsive, and interactive web applications that rely on a single-page architecture.
  4. Versatility Across Large-Scale Applications: Go finds its strength in developing large-scale or complex applications. Its suitability extends to various domains, including distributed systems, big data processing, cloud computing, and other scenarios where scalability, performance, and efficiency are paramount. This versatility makes Go a robust choice for modern, intricate software projects.

With over 729,000 repositories on GitHub, Golang demonstrates an active and growing developer community. Noteworthy companies such as Uber, Google, Dailymotion, Fabric, and Medium actively utilize Golang, cementing its position as a language of choice for robust and scalable applications. As it continues to expand its influence, Golang presents a compelling option for developers seeking efficiency and versatility in their projects.

Aspect Details
Level Beginner to Intermediate
Skills Needed It is easy to learn if you are familiar with at least one programming language; otherwise, requires patience and a willingness to learn
Platform Cross-platform, primarily desktop
Popularity Among Programmers Increasing but not as popular as Java or Python
Degree of Use Widely used, particularly for Google applications (originated at Google)
Annual Salary Projection $141,654


  • Simple and concise syntax, making it easy to read and write.
  • Built-in concurrency support with goroutines and channels makes concurrent programming efficient.
  • Efficient compilation of native machine code results in fast execution speed.
  • Standard solid library with support for networking, web servers, and more.


  • It is a miniature ecosystem compared to more established languages like Python or Java.
  • Lack of generics can lead to code duplication in specific scenarios.
  • The garbage collection mechanism might cause occasional performance hiccups in real-time systems.

5. C and C++

While Python and JavaScript stand out for their user-friendly learning curve and versatile applications, the duo of C and C++ takes the lead as the go-to choices for tasks demanding optimal speed and performance.

C and C++ demonstrate their prowess in low-level development tasks, including operating systems, file systems, embedded systems, and kernel development. The foundational principles embedded in C and C++ have significantly shaped the architecture of many modern programming languages. Notably, C++ continues to play an integral role in major projects at Microsoft Windows, Google, and even in Apple's development of the iOS operating system.

C++ is preferred in competitive programming due to its exceptional speed and robust stability. Key features of C and C++ include the object-oriented nature of C++ and the availability of the Standard Template Library (STL), which offers a comprehensive set of pre-built data structures and algorithms. C++ finds widespread use in diverse domains such as game development, GUI applications, desktop applications, and real-time mathematical simulations.

The substantial presence of these languages on GitHub, with over 7 million repositories for C and 560,000 for C++, underscores their thriving developer communities. Major industry players, including eBay, Spotify, Adobe, Oracle, HP, Huawei, IBM, and PhonePe, rely on the robust capabilities of C and C++ in their projects. As these languages continue to form the backbone of critical systems and applications, they remain steadfast choices for developers prioritizing optimal performance and efficiency.

Language Details
C Intermediate to Advanced
C++ Beginner to Intermediate
Skills Needed Problem-Solving; basic computer knowledge; knowledge of computer functions such as memory management is beneficial for low-level resource management
Platform Mobile, Desktop, and Embedded
Popularity Among Programmers C: Higher migration to C++
C++: One of the world’s most popular languages
Degree of Use C: One of the most widely used.
C++: Widely used.
Annual Salary Projection $118,366


  • High performance and efficiency, making them suitable for system-level programming and performance-critical applications.
  • Direct memory manipulation allows for fine-grained control over system resources.
  • Widely used in industries like gaming, operating systems, and embedded systems.
  • Extensive support exists for low-level programming features like pointers and manual memory management.


  • More prone to errors such as segmentation faults and memory leaks due to manual memory management.
  • Steeper learning curve compared to higher-level languages like Python or JavaScript.
  • A lack of built-in safety features can lead to security vulnerabilities if not used carefully.

6. Kotlin

Kotlin, a versatile programming language, originated in JetBrains' Project Kotlin, initially introduced in 2011 and officially launched in 2016. Recognized for its interoperability with Java and support for functional programming, Kotlin has garnered attention for its capabilities across various domains.

Primarily, Kotlin has found extensive applications in Android app development, web applications, desktop applications, and server-side development. Positioned as an improvement over Java, Kotlin has won the favor of developers who appreciate its enhanced features. The language's adoption extends to significant tech players, with many Google applications relying on Kotlin for their development.

Notable companies embracing Kotlin as their programming language include Coursera, Pinterest, PostMates, and numerous others. This widespread adoption attests to Kotlin's effectiveness in diverse application scenarios and its ability to meet the demands of modern software development across different platforms.

Key attributes of Kotlin include

  1. Versatile and Cross-Platform: Kotlin is recognized for its versatility as an object-oriented programming language. It extends its capabilities beyond a single platform, allowing developers to write code that can run seamlessly on various platforms, promoting flexibility and efficiency in software development.
  2. Security and Flexibility: Kotlin prioritizes security and flexibility in its design. With built-in features that enhance code reliability and minimize common programming errors, Kotlin provides a secure environment for developers. Additionally, its flexibility allows for adaptable solutions to different programming challenges.
  3. Ease of Debugging: Debugging is a crucial aspect of the development process, and Kotlin facilitates this with its user-friendly debugging features. The language's design aims to simplify the identification and resolution of issues in the codebase, contributing to a more efficient and streamlined development experience.

These attributes collectively position Kotlin as a powerful and user-friendly programming language, appealing to developers seeking a versatile, secure, and debug-friendly environment for their projects.

With over 79,000 repositories on GitHub, Kotlin enjoys an active developer community. Major companies such as Airtel, Lenskart, Pinterest, Basecamp, Slack, Trello, Google, and Netflix utilize Kotlin in their projects, highlighting its relevance and applicability in diverse domains. As Kotlin continues to gain traction, it remains an attractive option for developers seeking efficient and robust solutions for their projects.

Aspect Details
Level Intermediate to Advanced
Skills Needed Prior experience with programming languages, particularly Java
Platform Web, Mobile, Desktop, and server
Popularity Among Programmers Increasingly popular; widely used for Android applications
Degree of Use Widely used and highly applicable
Annual Salary Projection $136,000


  • Fully interoperable with Java, allowing seamless integration with existing Java codebases.
  • Concise syntax and null safety features help prevent NullPointerException errors.
  • Modern language features like coroutines support asynchronous programming.
  • Officially supported for Android app development by Google.


  • Smaller community and ecosystem than Java or Python.
  • Less mature tooling and fewer libraries compared to more established languages.
  • There is potential overhead in learning if transitioning from Java, although Kotlin's similarity to Java can mitigate this.

The Bottom Line:

When you invest time and effort in learning one of these established languages, you're laying a solid foundation for your programming skills. Mastering a programming language involves understanding its syntax, principles, and best practices, which builds a solid knowledge framework. This foundation not only equips you to tackle the challenges of the current programming domain but also provides a springboard for learning additional languages in the future. Moreover, the skills and problem-solving techniques you develop while mastering a programming language are transferable. So, once you've gained proficiency in one language, you'll find it easier to grasp the concepts of others. Many programming languages share principles and concepts, such as variables, loops, and conditional statements. You can quickly adapt to a new language's syntax and specific features by leveraging your knowledge.